Steering and suspension problems can cost you thousands in repair bills if you don’t handle them right. Here are a few tips to help you save money on costs. Know the signs It’s best to know and recognize the signs that your suspension and steering systems are in...
Why Buy New or Used Auto Parts, Find a Supplier in Chicago
Vehicles are likely to break down and need service, and many people enjoy working on them personally. While some Chicago residents want a professional to handle any work, some have older or classic cars and prefer to do everything themselves. It gives you a sense of...
Is an SUV car right for you?
Your family is growing and after squishing the three kids in the back, you realize it’s time for a new car. Or maybe you are the go-to carpooler and need extra space. Whatever the reason that you find your current car too small and it’s time for an upgrade, maybe the...
Top Warning Signs of a Bad Dealership
For the most part, used car dealerships are honest workplaces just trying to sell you the best car possible. If you set aside your cynicism and try to work with most dealerships, you’ll find that the vast majority are trustworthy. However, that doesn’t mean you should...
What You Need To Know About Stainless-Steel Pressure Plates
There are many different parts to your vehicle, and when it comes to repairing a clutch or transmission, you may need to purchase a new pressure plate for it. This is where knowing some specifics about the stainless-steel plate manufacturers, vendors and parts can...